First contact
Customers can contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+48 501-359-776 or +48 507-178-501). All you have to do is contact us and we will call you back. Our team speaks Polish, German and English well, so communication should not be a problem.
Our specialists will come to you with a deadline, without cost or obligation. At the same time we can initially consult and optimally reflect your wishes and ideas.
Planning and visualization
You will receive free visualization of planned and dreamed furniture, already in the rooms, to make it easier to imagine future rooms. Then, we ask our customers for corrections and ideas, as well as special wishes, because at this stage everything can be change and improved. We do not extra charge for custom-made furnishings. Projects and visualizations are created using the latest software by two of our designers who can already prove to be very experienced.
We can advise you on the best ideas and projects that are tailored to your individual needs with full engagement and customer satisfaction. Our priority is a new innovative approach, as well as combined solutions to improve the standard and quality of life.
You always receive a clear and non-binding offer without any hidden costs.
We only use parts and equipment from renowned producers (especially BLUM and GRASS from Austria, but also Häferle, Hettich, etc.) Nevertheless, it is only equipment, so if any hinge or fence is broken, we will free and personally replace them on site, provided that the components were properly used, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Shipping and delivery costs
Our company has not shipping or delivery costs, because the delivery prices are automatically included into the offer. The price of furniture is the total cost plus delivery and assembly. You do not have to worry about it, but if our customers forget about the deadline, our workers will come for free and will be forced to come again.
We always keep the deadlines, because we deal with our customers personally. We deliver furniture and assemble them on site. We do not rent transport companies, so nothing can lose or get too late.
Assembly costs
As with the delivery, we do not have the assembly costs, they are already included in the price of furniture. The exception is when you forget about deadline and our team will be forced to come back.
A deposit of 20 % of the price can be paid by the customer during placing an order, for example in the case of a measurement or consultative talk. Payment of the rest amount takes place during assembly or on the last delivery.
Benefits for you
- Free consultation with our expert
- Detailed offer without obligation
- Consulting and realization from one source
- Direct consultancy one-site
- Visualizations and projects
- Experience and knowledge of over 3 generations
Tags: Möbel, Möbel nach Maß, Sondermöbel, Holzmöbel, Spezialmöbel, Küchen, Küchenmöbel, Küchenmöbel nach Maß, Schlafzimmer, Badezimmer, Badezimmer nach Maß, Schlafzimmer nach Maß, Wohnzimmer, Wohnzimmer nach Maß, Garderoben, Garderoben nach Maß, Kinderzimmer, Kinderzimmer nach Maß, Schrank, Schränke, Stiegen, Holzstiegen, Tisch, Tisch nach Maß, Tischler, Tischlerarbeiten, Tischlerei, Kommoden, Unterschränke, Hängeschränke, Tür, Türen, Möbel aus Holz, Treppen, Holztreppen, Holzstiege, Holzmöbel, Holzverarbeitung, Holzboden, Parkettboden, Maßgeschneiderte Möbel, Möbelbearbeitung, Möbelerneuerung